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Exquance Helpdesk
Fund management solution
Getting Started
Log in with password
Log in with SSO
Change your personal settings
Log out
Create Fund
Create a new fund
Edit fund data
Create Investors
Create investors
Edit investor data
Create Transactions
Create commitment
Create drawdown
Create distribution
Create sale of commitment
Create sale of units
Create release of commitment
See all 11 articles
Create Assets
Create asset
Edit asset
Add transactions to fund asset
Fund IRR Report
Transactions report
Asset portfolio report
Investor report
Tracking payments (invoices)
Payment statuses
Link payments manually to invoices
Paying distributions automatically
Payments to bank system
Deleting Objects
Delete fund
Delete investor
Delete transaction
Delete asset
Admin Tasks
Add/delete users
Change user details
Set roles to users
Integration to ModelTree
Integration to ModelTree