ModelTree version 2.7.3 and later
Analysis is a snapshot of a certain time point inside the project.
Creating several analyses inside a project allows to analyze the development of output figures "over time" and track down the KPI dynamics of an asset or the whole portfolio.
From the Projects tab on the home screen
- Select the analysis you want to duplicate on the Analysis list.
- Click +Duplicate button
From the Duplicate Analysis window
Fill in the required data.
- Insert for Analysis Name some descriptive name for the analysis time snapshot you are creating.
- Set Analysis Date to a date on which assets are valued (in valuation) or which determines the end of the actual period and the start of the forecasting period (investment management).
NOTE: In investment management, it is recommended to set the Analysis Date always to the last day of the month, because actual cash flow data typically comes within calendar months. - Click Duplicate button.
- You can also duplicate Analysis in a completely separate Project. To do that, enable Duplicate into a new project and fill in Project Name.
ModelTree allows you to duplicate the Analysis not only for a future date but also backward. Duplicated Analysis will appear in a list of Analyses in descending order (by Analysis Date)